Client — Upper Deck; Project — Marvel Metal Universe X-Men original sketch cards; 2020.
Sketch by Southwest — Roadtrip museum studies from Denver to Phoenix to Albuquerque to Santa Fe; 8.5” x 5” spiral sketchbook; June, 2021.

Sketch of Claes Oldenberg’s and Coosje van Bruggen’s monumental broom and dustpan sweeping gigantic litter at Denver Art Museum’s entrance.
The 1929 American born Swedish Oldenburg and the 1942 American born Dutch Van Bruggen constructed the larger than life everyday cleaning supply from stainless steel, aluminum, fiber reinforced plastic and acrylic urethane paint.

Joseph Stella (USA) 1877 — 1946; oil on canvas (1931).

“Myth has intense interest” says fabrics artist, Diedrick Brakken, at his Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art show; June, 2021. “Like Bible stories read as a child — with the fantastical images they lead to.

Archbishop of St. Francis Basilica (1850 - 1888); bronze sculpture sketch near cathedral entrance facing plaza during a light storm with turquoise ink-pencil; June 16, 2021. Rainwater acts well spreading water-soluble Derwent “Inktense” pencil on thick, two hundred and twenty pound Stillman and Birn sketchbook paper.

Museum study sketch of Roger Broer's 2019 Monotype in Fargo. "Expressing an emotion" says the 1945 born Oglala Lakotan, "inciting a feeling to make the viewer involved is the objective driving me to continue to a be a creative visual storyteller." Raised in Randolph, Nebraska; studying in Vermillion at the University of South Dakota; now working in Hill City, South Dakota, I can't wait to discover what visual stories Broer has yet to tell.

Client — Williams County, North Dakota; Project — architectural illustration of eight County buildings displayed in Administration Building lobby.
Fiendfolio — Five Fiends for Five Friends; October, 2021.
Mixed media illustration — brushed india ink and Derwent inktense color pencils on Arches textured watercolor paper — spray painted framed gifts to Dugeon and Dragons friends in North Dakota who I sadly parted from the adventuring party.

Uncommon, solitary and carnivorous “man-eatters” are true monsters striking fear in the heart of civilization since ancient times. These composite-creatures — with leonine torso and legs, batlike wings, man’s head and poison-tipped tail with iron spikes — have an uncanny appetite for human flesh. Manticore fire volleys of tail quills over five-hundred feet that regrow quickly. They take to the air with a twenty-five foot wingspan closing on their prey with king of the jungle paws and three rows of razor sharp teeth; normally devouring their prey where killed. Males sometimes haul slain hunt back to their lifetime mate or drag still-living prey to their lair for cubs — who rapidly mature in five years — to practice kill. Manticore collect victims’ valuables out of curiosity, emulation of other monsters, the man-scent of things or because they know humans may come looking for them. These wide-ranging carnivores successfully survive in every region inhabited by humans, whether wilderness or underground. This nightmarish opponent’s pelt is a mark of the most powerful hunter warrior able to fell the beast with an infamous appetite for its favorite food...human.

An ancient race descended from humans once enslaved by mind flayers serving as labor and cattle. For centuries these humans harbored deep resentment toward the illithids but could not summon the strength necessary to break free. For many years they developed their power in secret, waiting for the moment to strike against their cruel masters. Finally, a great female warrior came forth among them, a deliverer by the name of Gith. Convincing the people to rise up, with vicious struggle they earned their freedom becoming the astral beings know as the Githyanki — in their tongue meaning “Sons of Gith.”

Drow — Long ago, dark elves were part of the elven race roaming the world’s forests. Not long after their creation, elves found themselves torn into rival factions — one following the tenets of evil, the other owning the ideals of good. A civil war broke out, the selfish elves following the path of chaos were driven to the depths of the earth. These dreaded, evil creatures were banished into the bleak, lightless caverns and deep, winding tunnels of the underworld. Where they make dire plans in magnificently dark cities, the stuff of which nightmares are made, against the elves and faeries who still walk beneath the sun. These forsaken elves became the drow. Born into everyday violence, trained in magic with a resistance to it, fluent in silent hand movement and equipped with finely crafted, non-encumbering armor with poison-tipped weapons — drow make incredibly formidable warriors. However, having lived in the earth so long, their weakness is bright light. They rarely venture to the surface with no wish to be there. Few who walk the surface of the green earth ever see a drow...or live to tell about it.

(Pronounced “Fear.”) City street night stalkers unknowingly spawned by residual magic and remnants of nightmares by strong, large group emotions. These hunchbacked creatures, grim and inhuman, with mottled hides warped like the surface of a human brain, enrich themselves on a collection of emotions — fear, hate, sadness and hopelessness — reveling in nothing more than havoc. On rare occasion, Common Feyr combine creating a Greater Feyr — immune to sunlight, enduring long travel lured by strong emotional states and attacking invisibly — they inspire greater emotions to stay alive. Greater Feyr, with its sickly oil-slick rainbow hide, drive mortals mad with terror by super-heightening victim’s emotions before retreating at dawn to a preferred abandoned dwelling. Where there is tension among the masses, a Greater Feyr may very well be near...

Strange undead creatures guarding tombs, graves or corpses. Whether ancestral — a raised spirit returned to the tomb of their descendant — or summoned by a high level necromancer, a crypt thing exists only to protect the bodies of those laid to rest in its lair. Should grave robbers or vandals seek to enter and profane the sanctity of its tomb, the crypt thing animates. Vulnerable only to magical weapons, its first line of defense is a powerful variety of teleportation sending adversaries several hundred to a thousand feet away. Particularly clever crypt things have been know to transport victims high in the air or atop a vast chasm, to fall to their deaths. The magic rooting the undead creature to its lair is powerful, eliminating any chance for a priest or paladin to turn them. Once animated, the crypt thing remains on guard until destroyed.